Our Original D.E.I Audit
In October 2021, A-Basin and an inclusion consultant completed a comprehensive DEI audit for the company and developed the first phase of a multi-year action plan. Summaries of both can be reviewed below.

Collect expanded and more consistent demographic data of employees (Including Race, Gender, LGBTQ+, Age/Generation, Disability, Veteran status).
Collect expanded and more consistent demographic data of guests (Including Race, Gender, LGBTQ+, Age/Generation, Disability, Veteran status).
Explore recruitment of targeted candidate groups (increase number of women and BIPOC candidates).
Explore potential diverse community partnerships.
Develop updated policies and practices with a focus on the recruitment pipeline.
Explore potential mentorship/affinity opportunities to support underrepresented employees.
Explore paid internship and/or apprenticeship options.
Incorporate DEI related incentives in annual performance goals.
Complete foundational DEI training for employees, with practical tips on inclusive behaviors.
Update website with authentic DEI content and imagery.
Advance inclusive marketing authentically, without tokenization. Visible representation of broader groups.

**SLT = Senior Leadership Team. Includes department directors, VP of Operations, and our COO.