Winter Activities
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Sat, May 25

Alpine Rallye Avant le Ski

Once a year, ski & motorsport enthusiasts rendezvous at the Wooly Mammoth Parking Lot (this year on Saturday, May 25 at 8:00 AM MST) and Rallye to Arapahoe Basin Ski Area for a day of Colorado Spring Skiing. Gear up with your skis and join us in your new or classic sports car/ motorcycle! All sportscars or motorcycles are welcome to attend but must carry a set of skis, snowboard, or in the spirit of spring skiing - a surfboard.

This year, 2024, we are raising funds to support the Friends of the Dillon Ranger District (FDRD) in Arapahoe Basin's name. We are donating $50 to FDRD for each car that attends to Avant le Ski. If you would like to match our $50, register as Motorist Donation. Read more about FDRD below.

Friends of the Dillon Ranger District: With more than 60 volunteer projects on our National Forest each year, FDRD volunteers contribute thousands of hours maintaining and improving trails, planting trees, pulling invasive weeds, educating visitors, and much more. FDRD is one of the most active, locally-based outdoor stewardship organizations in the country.
